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Contact Information
- Address:
Kathy Shore Nursery
1731 US Hwy 21 South
Sparta, NC 28675 - Phone:
336-372-5324 - Email:

Kathy Shore Nursery is located in the Blue Ridge Mountains and is your one-stop for Carolina Fraser Fir Fundraisers. Growing some of the most beautiful Fraser Fir Christmas Trees, White Pine Christmas Trees, and Table Top Christmas Trees you'll find, Kathy Shore Nursery will also help your group or organization put together a Carolina Fraser Fir Fundraiser or Christmas Wreath Fundraising Program.
Civic and church groups, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, school organizations, and more have been using the Fraser Fir Christmas Tree and other Christmas products for years to raise money for their groups or for events. Kathy Shore Nursery's stunning trees and elegant greenery are a great way to raise funds without a lot of overhead!
You’re guaranteed to make money!
Why put together your own fundraising event with greenery and trees from Kathy Shore Nursery's Christmas Tree Farm in North Carolina? It makes money! There is little to no overhead or expense when putting together your fundraiser. If you're taking orders or pre-selling the trees, there is no upfront cost to you or the organization! You'll also have lots of potential customers! Different organizations have supporters of their very own. Church groups have congregations, the Scouts have loyal followers, and civic groups can reach out to their community! You’re guaranteed to make money!
Your group or organization and Kathy Shore Nursery will make a great team. Together we can help you plan a successful Carolina Fraser Fir Fundraiser or Christmas Wreath Fundraising Program. Call Kathy Shore Nursery today to set your fundraising efforts in motion. Contact us for more information on our Wholesale Christmas Trees, Wholesale Christmas Wreaths, and more!
More Information
If you need information about any of our services, please feel free to use our contact form, send us an e-mail to info@kathyshorenursery.com, or give us a call at 336-372-5324.